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Pieter Jooste is ‘n Skilder

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Pieter Jooste was die toerleier van die 2016 Balkantoer. Hy is egter ook ‘n veelsydige kunstenaar. Hy is pas terug van Zürich in Switserland waar vanjaar weer, soos laas jaar, ‘n geslaagde uitstalling van sy skilderye aangebied is. Dat hy daar soveel entoesiastiese terugvoering gekry het en verskeie werke verkoop het, spreek boekdele oor die gehalte van die kunswerke wat hy skep. Hy is ook baie kreatief in ander kunsvorme, soos tradisionele ystersmeewerk, staalwerk, houtwerk en selfs kunssinnige aspekte van konstruksiewerk.

Die volgende CV van hom het die aanbieders van die uitstalling in Switserland aan kunsliefhebbers beskikbaar gestel:

Pieter Jooste is a 30-year old South African artist. He grew up as part of a family of musicians where he was surrounded by the arts from a young age. In addition to music he soon started to experiment with different facets of the visual arts. From the beginning he was fascinated by a variety of art materials which is still visible in his work today. In addition to working with oil and acrylic colours, he enjoys creating sculptures from raw metal, stone and wood.

After school he did an apprenticeship as a blacksmith, focusing on historical approaches, and also tried his hand at goldsmith work. He became acquainted with a variety of approaches to construction and mastered several techniques in this regard, all with artistic flair. As a result of continuous experimenting and self-training, Pieter became the well-educated, well round artist that he is today. Currently he earns his living through specialised construction work, as well as garden design and development. In this regard his technical versatility and aesthetic approach is of amazing quality.

As a soon to be father, he lives with his artistic and musical wife in the centre of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Pieter has a passionate commitment to nature and is fascinated by the history of South Africa. This adds a natural beauty to his artworks, presented in clear and happy colourful varieties, but often intertwined with a deep melancholy. He lives in a multi-cultural milieu, where he is an inspiration to many, with his energetic character through which he experiences life in all its beauty.

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